Friday, September 7, 2007

5 interesting facts about fruit flies!

Do you know that ...

1) female virgin flies have a white abdomen while non-virgin female flies have a black abdomen?

2) Female fruit flies lay up to 100 eggs a day?

3) Fruit flies have a short lifespan of about 2 weeks?

4) Mutation of genes occur in flies? Mutated flies have white eyes, rather than the normal red eyes. Some even have short wings or curly wings!

Short-winged fly

Curly-winged fly

White-eyed fly

5) The scientific name Drosophila actually means "lover of dew", implying that this species requires moist environments.

6) The common fruit fly is only about 3 mm in length and 2 mm in width


Unknown said...

Nice thanks you just have me half my test!

Joseph J. Horton said...

Woo.. thanks for sharing such useful information.