Saturday, September 8, 2007

Questions and answers!

1) The ingredients for fly food.

-mashed banana (2cm long)
-20 drops of water (using dropper)
-10 drops of vinegar (using dropper)
-2 spatulas of yeast
-2 spatulas of milo powder
-4 spatulas of agar powder.

2) The basic building blocks for growth in fly and in other living things.
-DNA - Deoxyrubenucleaic Acid.

3) Steps for making fly food!

1. Mash the banana using a spoon.
2. Mix the milo powder, yeast, vinegar and water together.
3. At last, add in the agar powder.
4. Transfer the mixture into a glass beaker and microwave it at 45 degrees celsius for 20 seconds.

4) How to sort the flies into its gender?

- Via a microscope or magnifying glass.
- Differentiate them by spotting their different features.

5) What considerations must be taken when preparing the fly food?

1. Food must be semi-wet and not sticky. If not, the wings of the flies may get stuck and the flies will drown.
2. Food must be clean to prevent contamination.

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