Sunday, September 9, 2007

How to "knock out", sex flies and mate them?

How to "knock out" flies?
We have several alternatives as to "knock out" flies.
  • anesthetize the flies using FlyNap.
  • freeze the flies.
  • making flies to inhale large amounts of carbon dioxide.
  • using ethanol/ether.

-contains 50% triethylamine
in contact with the skin and if swallowed), 25% ethanol (HIGHLY
FLAMMABLE) and 25% ‘fragrant’ (to mask the smell of the triethylamine!).

  • Not explosive like ether—can be shipped by US Mail.
  • Easy to use—flies can be anesthetized in anempty culture vial with no bulky or expensive extra equipment.
  • Less chance for dosage error—Drosophilaremain anesthetized for 50 minutes toseveral hours without being killed or sterilized.
  • Inexpensive—each 10-mL unit contains 100doses.
Sex flies?

Mate them?
Leave the male and the female flies in a Grow-Up Kit with the food available. They will mate and breed!

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