Monday, September 10, 2007


American zoologist and geneticist, famous for his experimental research with the fruit fly (Drosophila) by which he established the chromosome theory of heredity. He showed that genes are linked in a series on chromosomes and are responsible for identifiable, hereditary traits. Morgan's work played a key role in establishing the field of genetics. He received the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1933.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

How to "knock out", sex flies and mate them?

How to "knock out" flies?
We have several alternatives as to "knock out" flies.
  • anesthetize the flies using FlyNap.
  • freeze the flies.
  • making flies to inhale large amounts of carbon dioxide.
  • using ethanol/ether.

-contains 50% triethylamine
in contact with the skin and if swallowed), 25% ethanol (HIGHLY
FLAMMABLE) and 25% ‘fragrant’ (to mask the smell of the triethylamine!).

  • Not explosive like ether—can be shipped by US Mail.
  • Easy to use—flies can be anesthetized in anempty culture vial with no bulky or expensive extra equipment.
  • Less chance for dosage error—Drosophilaremain anesthetized for 50 minutes toseveral hours without being killed or sterilized.
  • Inexpensive—each 10-mL unit contains 100doses.
Sex flies?

Mate them?
Leave the male and the female flies in a Grow-Up Kit with the food available. They will mate and breed!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Questions and answers!

1) The ingredients for fly food.

-mashed banana (2cm long)
-20 drops of water (using dropper)
-10 drops of vinegar (using dropper)
-2 spatulas of yeast
-2 spatulas of milo powder
-4 spatulas of agar powder.

2) The basic building blocks for growth in fly and in other living things.
-DNA - Deoxyrubenucleaic Acid.

3) Steps for making fly food!

1. Mash the banana using a spoon.
2. Mix the milo powder, yeast, vinegar and water together.
3. At last, add in the agar powder.
4. Transfer the mixture into a glass beaker and microwave it at 45 degrees celsius for 20 seconds.

4) How to sort the flies into its gender?

- Via a microscope or magnifying glass.
- Differentiate them by spotting their different features.

5) What considerations must be taken when preparing the fly food?

1. Food must be semi-wet and not sticky. If not, the wings of the flies may get stuck and the flies will drown.
2. Food must be clean to prevent contamination.

Friday, September 7, 2007

5 interesting facts about fruit flies!

Do you know that ...

1) female virgin flies have a white abdomen while non-virgin female flies have a black abdomen?

2) Female fruit flies lay up to 100 eggs a day?

3) Fruit flies have a short lifespan of about 2 weeks?

4) Mutation of genes occur in flies? Mutated flies have white eyes, rather than the normal red eyes. Some even have short wings or curly wings!

Short-winged fly

Curly-winged fly

White-eyed fly

5) The scientific name Drosophila actually means "lover of dew", implying that this species requires moist environments.

6) The common fruit fly is only about 3 mm in length and 2 mm in width

Grow-up Kit

What is a Grow-up Kit?

- it is a medium in which the fruit flies are allowed to grow in, with the presence of nutritious food.
-food contains essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, vitamins and proteins for growth of flies.
-oxygen is present due to holes poked through the cap of the plastic lid.
-water is present.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

What we did!

Fruit flies, I certainly do not have a single bit of interest in them. They are such a nuisance, disgusting and irritating. I did not expect anyone to want to find out more about them, less to breed them or observe them so closely.

When we first arrived at the Physics laboratory, we had a brief introduction on fruit flies, or the Drosophila. We learnt that though they are minute and seem unimportant to us, they play a very important role in the research of genetic diseases and hereditary. Also, we learnt more about them, like how to differentiate a female fly from a male fly, and how to create a suitable environment for them to grow in.

Now it's time for the fun part! All of us are required to make a Grow-up Kit for our flies! We were given food such as bananas, milo powder, yeast, vinegar, water, agar powder, and asked to use them to make the fly food! We had the bananas mashed, and then added in the other ingredients. It is amazing to know that all these ingredients serve purposes in aiding the growth of the flies. Bananas, they are a source of carbohydrates. Vinegar is to preserve the food. Milo powder is a rich source of vitamins. Yeast acts as a supplement for the flies. Agar powder prevents the food from getting too wet, thus avoiding the drowning of the flies. When the mixture was done, we place it in a glass beaker and microwaved it. It smelt like freshly baked cookies, but the sight of it was unattractive.

Initially, we thought that it was successful, as the product was not too sticky or wet, in fact, it was just right! Thus we left for break. However, when we came back, the food had dried up! It really became "cookie". We had no choice but to use it, for we had no time to redo it :(

Before knowing their sexes, we had to anesthetize them. Through the help of a FlyNap, we dip a cotton bud into a vial containing a small portion of the liquid. Then, the cotton bud was inserted into the test tube of fruit flies. Soon, they were all knocked-out, just like falling asleep. Next, we started sexing the flies. This was tough, for all we know was the theory on how to differentiate the flies, but never tried it before. After struggling for quite a while, we managed to differentiate them through our teachers' help. It would be ridiculous to put 2 flies of the same sex together, yeah?

In overall, we learnt alot during this day, and it was FUN!